Although diamonds are the most popular gemstone for engagement rings, more and more couples are breaking this tradition and choosing other high-end gemstones. Sapphire engagement rings symbolize royalty and scream originality and creativity. Do sapphire engagement rings look cheap or tacky?

Whether sapphire engagement rings can be seen as cheap or tacky will depend on the size, color, and style. Sapphires’ value is increasing rapidly, and they are a more ethical choice than diamonds, and they can hold meaning to the bride. Sapphires come in many colors and allow room for creativity.

When you’re wondering whether or not a sapphire engagement ring will look tacky, it will significantly depend on how it is made. Sapphires are certainly not tacky, making precious engagement rings for a lifetime. If you’re looking for a sapphire engagement ring, let us tell you exactly how to choose the perfect one!

Are Sapphire Engagement Rings A Tacky Or Suitable Choice?

As briefly discussed above, some things could make a sapphire engagement ring look tacky, but a sapphire itself is certainly not cheap or tacky. The three main factors influencing these connotations are the size, type of sapphire, and style.

When you think about the beautiful sapphire, you may think bigger is better, but this is not the case with this beautiful gemstone. A bigger sapphire will always come off as tacky when worn on a more petite hand, which needs to be carefully considered.

The type of sapphire will also play a role. When you consider a diamond engagement ring, it would never come off as tacky. However, some people may think it’s cheap or tacky when choosing something more unconventional, especially a colorful stone such as sapphire.

The biggest factor of all is the style of a sapphire engagement ring. Trends and popular ring styles will fluctuate with the years. If you choose a sapphire ring in a style that is currently popular, the ring might not hold up to its value or beauty over time.

One of the best choices you can make when you choose a style for a sapphire engagement ring would be to choose a classic style that will draw attention and stay in style for a lifetime.

It is encouraged to make an appointment with your local jeweler and ask what sapphires, cuts, and sizes have been most successful over the years. This will create a good idea of what styles last forever and which are only popular for a certain amount of time.

Reasons Why Sapphire Engagement Rings Are Not Cheap/Tacky

There are so many reasons why sapphire rings have increased in popularity. When you look more closely at these reasons, it becomes apparent that a sapphire engagement ring may be higher in emotional and physical value than a traditional diamond ring:

Sapphires Are Increasing In Value

The demand for sapphires as engagement rings is growing rapidly, triggering a huge rise in cost and value. There has been evidence of untreated sapphires rising, especially due to the growing awareness of their value.

These trends have caused their value to increase dramatically, and it is very unlikely to change soon, making sapphires not only a quality product but a product of high cost.

Sapphires Are Rarer Than Diamonds

This may come as a surprise, but sapphires are much rarer than conventional diamonds. When diamonds are compared to other gemstones, diamonds are the most commonly mined and found of the four most precious gemstones.

Emeralds, rubies, and sapphires are all rarer than diamonds. It is this rarity that makes a sapphire so valuable and special.

In contrast, diamonds’ value is mainly based on demand, whereas a sapphire’s value is truly only based on its rarity.

If you are fortunate enough to get your hands on sapphire for an engagement ring, you’ll choose a truly astonishing and costly stone that shouldn’t be undermined.

Sapphires Come In Several Colors

One of the best qualities of sapphires is that they come in many shades of blue, allowing buyers to get creative and purchase a stone according to their style and taste.

Some definitions of blue used in the sapphire trade are shades such as Twilight Blue, Royal Blue, Peacock Blue, Velvet Blue, Pastel Blue, Cornflower Blue, and Indigo Blue.

It becomes clear that with so many options and colors, a unique engagement ring can be created according to the wearer’s requirements.

Sapphires Are A More Ethical Choice For Engagement Rings

Sapphires are most commonly mined in a community or family-owned small mines. Therefore, it’s much easier to determine who benefits from the sale, which is usually the beneficiaries in a local community.

In addition, most of the sapphires are mined in countries where the mining conditions are safe, including Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Australia.

By supporting the sale of sapphires, you will be making a difference and helping to stop unethical mining circumstances.

Sapphires Make Long Lasting And Durable Engagement Rings

It’s well known that diamonds are the hardest stone, scoring a perfect ten on the Mohs scale. Sapphires are just one lower on the scale, scoring a 9.

This means that sapphires are considered hard and durable, perfect for somebody who wants to flaunt the engagement ring on their finger every day.

Additionally, a sapphire ring has the potential to be passed down for several generations, which could result in a beautiful sapphire engagement ring turning into a high-value and precious family heirloom.

The difference in hardness wouldn’t be noticeable if you chose between a diamond and a sapphire engagement ring.

Sapphires Are Available In Endless Styles

Sapphires are usually cut into cushion, round, and oval shapes, with each unique shape giving off a particular feeling. For instance, sapphires cut into an oval shape are considered to be more vintage or old-fashioned, and people love them for it!

Sapphires can also be placed in many different settings, and many choose to surround a sapphire with smaller diamonds.

The more intricate the setting, the more a sapphire ring will cost. When choosing a particular style of sapphire engagement ring, it’ll seem like you have endless options!


Sapphire engagement rings are the perfect nontraditional way to celebrate your love, showing that it’s different in every way. Sapphire rings are not tacky nor cheap, and incorporating this rare and expensive gemstone into an engagement ring is sure to turn heads!


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