To the untrained eye, silver and platinum may appear similar; they may even feel the same. However, there are subtle differences, and understanding these differences can help you when purchasing these two different types of metal. So, what are the differences between silver and platinum?

When it comes to jewelry, platinum is more desirable because it is shinier and smoother than silver, whereas silver looks slightly dull when placed next to platinum. However, platinum is much more expensive than silver. In fact, it is one of the most costly precious metals on the market.

Precious metals are used for various things, from jewelry to industrial use. In this article, I am taking a deep dive into the differences between silver and platinum. So, for everything that you need to know, keep reading.

How To Tell The Difference Between Silver And Platinum

Understanding the differences between these metals is crucial when deciding what type of jewelry you want to buy. In addition, it will help you better understand which metal is suitable for you. So, here’s how you can quickly tell the difference between platinum and silver:

  • Platinum is much heavier than silver. In fact, it is also heavier than gold, which is a relatively heavy metal.
  • Silver has a white tint, especially when you hold it at certain angles against the light.
  • Platinum has a grey tint to it when it is held at certain angles.
  • Silver is much softer than platinum. However, this can be hard to test, but platinum feels more substantial in hand.

Again, I understand that it is easier to describe the differences between the metals than it is to tell the differences. But, overall, platinum will feel heftier and more substantial. The metal also looks a lot prettier than silver.

Which Is More Valuable? Silver or Platinum?

To judge the value of any precious metal, you must look at the stock market. First, however, here is a general idea of what you can expect to pay for these individual metals.

  • The cost of silver per ounce is around $20.
  • Silver per ounce costs upwards of $900. 

That is a vast difference. It is important to remember that platinum is very rare, whereas silver is not. Platinum is also regarded as a better product for jewelry because of its quality and purity. We will discuss purity in more detail later on.

That said, just because one costs more does not mean it is better for you—instead, it’s each to one’s own.

Does Platinum Get Damaged?

One of the most significant differences between silver and platinum is that platinum does not get damaged in the same way silver does; you will not find it turning black or losing color.

Over the years, platinum will show its age by accumulating a few scratches here and there. However, this should not be a problem if you maintain platinum properly. Here are a few essential tips on how to keep your platinum in good shape:

  1. Try not to expose your platinum to harsh chemicals like bleach.
  2. Separate your platinum individually to prevent them from scratching against each other.
  3. Avoid storing platinum jewelry with other metals.
  4. Only use jewelry cleaner specifically made for platinum.
  5. Only clean your platinum jewelry once or twice a year. Too much cleaning can be bad for platinum and silver.
  6. Take the jewelry to a professional if the jewelry is damaged.

All of these precautions apply to any type of jewelry, regardless of its kind. People tend to look after platinum jewelry because of its cost. However, silver can also get damaged, and if you follow the above steps, your silver will look good for longer.

Does Silver And Platinum Turn Black?

Yes, silver will turn black when exposed to hydrogen sulfide; this is found in the air. That said, your silver is more likely to turn black In places with high humidity.

Besides the hydrogen sulfide in the air, silver can turn black or green for many different reasons. For example, many different oils on our skin can affect the silver we wear daily. Additionally, silver reacts to the acidity in your body, which can be affected by diet.

Here are a few things that can turn silver black:

  • Hydrogen sulfide in the air
  • Different oils from your skin
  • The acidity from the skin
  • Harsh chemicals

Platinum does not turn black. It is important to remember that platinum, being as hard as it is, does not get mixed with many other types of metal. So, it is less prone to chemical reactions from hydrogen sulfide acid and harsh chemicals. That said, try not to use harsh chemicals on platinum.

Silver Vs. Platinum: Which Is The Better Investment?

Silver has a much lower cost than platinum. However, this could make it beneficial to invest in the metal, especially considering the demand for silver is rising and the supply is decreasing.

However, both silver and platinum have dropped in price over the last decade. So, it is hard to say either are a suitable long-term investment. So, let’s go into more detail:

  • Silver was valued at $40.57 in 2013. At the start of 2023, silver is valued at $23.96.
  • Platinum was valued at $1677.70 in 2013. At the start of 2023, it is valued at $1069.

For short-term investments, you would need to study the performance of each metal on the market. However, many people have found success in only holding these types of metal for less than a year.

For beginner investors, I would always recommend starting with something simple, say gold. Then, once you learn the ins and outs of the market, you can start looking at silver, and only when you are an experienced investor should you start looking at platinum.

The final thing to consider is if you are trying to gauge what type of jewelry will hold its value for longer, it is near impossible to tell, especially when you go back over the last 15 years of data.

Which Looks Nicer? Silver Or Platinum?

Platinum and silver are both gorgeous metals. However, platinum is much shinier and stronger than silver; it is much easier to maintain your platinum than it would be to maintain your silver.

Silver is a very soft metal with a slightly greyer undertone than platinum, making it less shiny and durable. As a result, silver is easily scratched and needs to be maintained regularly.

Finally, most people cannot tell the difference between silver and platinum. So, even though platinum looks better than silver, most people won’t notice the difference. If you cannot decide which type of jewelry to get based on what people may think, remember that most people wouldn’t even be able to tell whether you have platinum or silver.

Platinum Vs. Silver: Which Is A Better Wedding Band?

There is much to consider when buying your significant other a wedding ring. The first thing I typically recommend is finding out if they are allergic to nickel. Remember, silver is a soft metal that requires a small amount of nickel before it can be made into jewelry. Unfortunately, some people are allergic to nickel.

Platinum makes for a better wedding ring than silver. However, it comes at a significantly higher cost.

It is also important to remember that many wedding rings contain some jewel, typically diamonds. Platinum is far more efficient at holding the diamond in place. Therefore, your diamond is safer with platinum than it is with silver.

Also, platinum compliments diamond better than silver due to its shininess and white undertone.

Is Platinum Heavier Than Silver?

Platinum is not only heavier than silver. It is one of the heaviest metals on the market. It is so easy to see why so many people have a misconception that gold is so heavy when in reality, it isn’t, at least when compared with platinum.

Platinum is much denser than most other metals, which points to its purity. Because of its density and hardiness, metal workers do not have to mix anything when making platinum jewelry.

Platinum Vs. Silver: Which Is The Better Conductor?

Before ending this article, I wanted to get a bit more technical as I have mostly been speaking about jewelry. I want to answer the question, is platinum a better conductor than silver?

Silver is not the best conductor. Platinum does a great job and can be easily made into thin wires. So, why don’t we see as much platinum as we do silver when it comes to electronics?

Firstly, copper is the most widely used conductor, even though it is not as good as silver or platinum. The main reason for this is due to price and availability. Even though platinum does a better job than most other metals, its price makes it an unsustainable source for electrical conductors.


In terms of appearance, platinum and silver are similar. However, platinum is far rarer and more valuable. As a result, platinum jewelry is typically stronger than silver, which costs a lot more. That said, many people like silver for its quality-to-price ratio.


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