Trying to figure out the difference between diamond and crystal could be a challenging task for some. Without proper training, one could easily be deceived when looking at these two beautiful stones with the naked eye. What are the differences between diamonds and crystals?

While diamonds were discovered due to high temperature and pressure, crystals were formed by the crystallization process. Crystals have a rougher cut, no reflection, and a cloudy appearance. Diamonds are more durable than crystals and higher in cost, as they aren’t as easily accessible as crystals.

There are several key differences between diamonds and crystals, and once you understand the differences, you will be fully able to distinguish the differences between the two. Continue reading with us as we take you through a journey of all the differences between a diamond and a crystal.

Diamonds Vs. Crystals: What Are They?

The name diamond originated from the Greek word, “ADAMO,” which means the hardest steel. Diamonds are one of the oldest materials found on Earth, and the beautiful diamond was discovered roughly 1600 years ago.

The first diamond was discovered as the result of very high temperatures combined with high pressure caused by meteorite impacts.

Diamonds are scarce and are one of the most complex occurring minerals! They result from carbon atoms held together by strong covalent bonds.

Diamonds have numerous uses, including making jewelry, cutting, as well as grinding equipment because of their well-known natural hardness.

On the other hand, crystals are known as solid materials with molecules and atoms arranged in a lattice.

Crystal is a more general term that could refer to many other materials, substances, and minerals. We all observe crystals in our daily lives, with sugar and salt being the two most common examples.

Crystals have several different shapes due to the unique arrangements of their atoms and molecules.

Crystal is also used in many industries, including being the lead in pencils and for decoration purposes.

Diamonds Vs. Crystals: How Do They Occur?

Regarding the most significant difference between diamonds and crystals, diamonds are formed as the result of highly pressurized carbon. They are also known as another type of crystal with the element carbon arranged in a tetrahedral crystalline way.

However, crystals will occur through the natural crystallization process, which means that liquids are cooled down to form a solid texture.

Diamonds Vs. Crystals: Cut

A diamond will generally have much more facets than a clear crystal. This is due to the reason that diamonds are more elongated than crystals. Therefore, it is much easier to achieve several angles on them to ensure any type of cut and shape is possible.

Diamonds have a hardiness rating of 10, while crystals are generally only rated around 7.

When a crystal is cut, the possibility is much higher for a rougher and more asymmetrical cut. Crystals are minerals that come in several colors, sizes, and shapes.

Although diamonds have a naturally irregular shape, they can easily be formed into perfect stones with a smooth finish by employing techniques.

 This is not the case with crystals, as some are more complex than diamonds in their structure and composition, which could complicate the cutting and refining process.

Diamonds Vs. Crystals: Reflection

Since diamonds reflect a lot of light, the diamond is brilliant and will effortlessly sparkle even when only exposed to natural light.

This is one of the well-known properties that makes a diamond a diamond, as it sparkles much brighter than a crystal.

Crystals have no reflecting properties and could appear cloudy, even if exposed to bright light.

Diamonds Vs. Crystals: Color

The color of a diamond will significantly depend on its original color. However, the color of a crystal will rely on the coating used, which usually wears out over more extended periods.

Diamonds Vs. Crystals: Durability

Diamonds are well-known to be the hardest and most durable thing found in nature. They have long-lasting properties and are not prone to damage from scratches or bumps.

However, crystals are not as hard as diamonds, and one could easily break a crystal. Crystals are also prone to wear and tear, as the slightest bump or scratch could wear them down.

Diamonds Vs. Crystals: Cost

Diamonds are costly, and it’s due to their properties and naturally occurring processes. However, the properties of crystals make them far less costly and much more affordable.

Diamonds Vs. Crystals: Accessibility

Diamonds are very high quality and need to be sourced, so they are not as easily accessible as crystals. Crystals are much easier to access due to their low quality compared to diamonds.

The process of acquiring crystals makes them readily available at numerous grocery stores and pharmacies.

How To Tell The Difference Between A Diamond And Crystal

When shopping for diamonds and other gemstones, it may be a good idea to do your research to know exactly what you should be looking for.

This would help you to avoid overpaying for a substandard product or piece. Many people are unaware of these differences and buy substandard pieces for an exorbitant price.

There are many factors you can look for before making your purchase. Read below for more:

What Is The Primary Color?

Take a close look at the product under natural or LED lights. A diamond should always have a clear, white, or bright yellow color. A crystal will be cloudy looking or have an off-white color.

Although yellow diamonds seem to become increasingly popular in the wedding ring market, these diamonds will usually look similar to pearls and won’t have such a high price tag as white diamonds.

This is also another good way to tell the difference between diamond and crystal, as a yellow diamond will be noticeably lighter in color than a white one.

What Is The Secondary Color?

A diamond will never have any secondary colors, with the exception being a yellow diamond. If any colors are seen at all in a diamond, it should be a very light brown or yellow.

A crystal will always have a brownish or yellowish undertone that will appear inside the stone.

Are There Any Visual Surface Streaks?

Diamonds are generally cleaner than crystals, although this factor could become deceiving to some. Some diamonds may seem to consist of some specks, but this is usually due to their cut. This is normal for most diamonds.

The best way to tell the difference between a diamond and a crystal would be to look closely at the appearance of their surfaces. A crystal usually has a smooth texture, while a diamond feels bumpy.

Why You Should Buy Diamonds Instead Of Crystals

Now that you know all the differences between these two materials, it becomes clear that diamonds outshine crystals in any situation. Although the crystal market has been growing and more and more people are buying them, diamonds have much better value.

Let’s look at why you should buy a diamond instead of a crystal:

Diamonds Have Incredible Durability

Perhaps the best thing about diamonds is their exceptional durability. It is known to be the hardest naturally occurring material, which means it is unlikely to become damaged or scratched, even under the harshest conditions.

Diamonds are so hard naturally that they are often used in the machine production industry to grind or cut industrial materials.

They also have an incredibly high melting point, which means they can withstand and survive the hottest temperatures and even be thrown in a fire!

There Is A Wide Variety Of Diamonds To Choose From

Diamonds are the most versatile gemstones, especially when it comes to white diamonds. Their clear color matches everything.

And, if you’re looking for something more colorful and exciting, diamonds have you covered! They form in various colors, including pink, yellow, blue, and green! With today’s advanced technology, you can also color treat diamonds, making them into any color you prefer.

Diamonds Are A Huge Investment For The Wearer

Diamonds are the most precious and expensive stones. They sell at incredibly high prices, and if you buy one, you’re buying a piece of investment that carries a great value, which will only increase over time.

Diamonds Are Unique And Meaningful

Perhaps one of the biggest and most compelling benefits of buying and wearing diamonds is their deep and loving meaning. Because of the diamond’s longevity, they represent the idea of infinity.

Giving somebody a diamond is not only a loving gesture, but it’s a great gift that symbolizes the idea of eternity and a deep bond, whether it’s a bond of friendship, family, or marital.


Diamonds and crystals may look similar in appearance, but knowing what to look for could save you from overpaying for substandard products. At the end of the day, diamonds will always overpower crystals in durability, cost, and appearance.

Diamonds can withstand the test of time, and therefore, they are seen as superior! If you’re looking for the ultimate gift for yourself or others, you can never go wrong with a crystal-clear white diamond!


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